Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fuckheads like this

are the reason I hate the Catholic Church with a passion normally reserved for worthier targets (Warning: Rant follows).

German Cardinal Joachim Meisner in an interview with German magazine Der Spiegel (interview in German, obviously).

Choice quotes:

Fuckhead says:
"Zunächst kommt nur die Wirklichkeit an das Kind ran, die die Eltern ranlassen. Wenn sie die Wirklichkeit Gottes nicht eröffnen, werden die Kinder zu geistigen Krüppeln."
Translates to:
"At first the only reality reaching the child is the one the parents let filter through. If they don't show (the children) the reality of God, they become spiritual cripples."
Reads as: "We are losing our influence over the younger generation! Quick, find someone to blame other than the church itself, WHICH OF COURSE CAN DO NO FUCKING WRONG!"

Fuckhead says:
"Aber weil Eltern und Lehrer die Jugend nicht mehr an die Quellen des Lebens führen, kommt es zu Ersatzhandlungen wie etwa zum Griff nach Kondomen und der Pille."
Translates to:
"But because parents and teachers don't show adolescents the sources of life, they commit substitution acts like taking the pill or using condoms"
Reads as: The usual catholic indoctrination. But I like the term "Ersatzhandlung" which makes using condoms or the pill sound like a psychological problem.

Fuckhead says:
"Ich frage mich manchmal: Leben wir denn in einem Irrenhaus? In der EU-Verfassung etwa hat man auf den Gottesbezug verzichtet. Und wenn Gott in einer Gesellschaft nicht mehr Gott ist, dann fühlt sich jeder einzelne Mensch als Gott."
Translates to:
"I ask myself sometimes: Do we live in an asylum? The EU-constitution does not have a reference to god. And if god isn't god any longer in a society, every single person feels as god."
Reads as: "Separation of church and state? What's next? Democracy? That's not what Your God wants!". I don't get the whole "everyone is god" bit, really. Sounds a tiny bit paranoid.

Then he cowardly squirms out of the question about the comparison of an abortion-pill with Zyklon B, the gas used to kill countless Jews in WWII, he made in a sermon in January. Fuckhead.


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